Psychosocial Programmes

Meeting psychological, social and health needs of children in need of care and protection and their families.


These programmes aim to meet the psychological, health and social needs of the community. We offer a variety of social services, health and wellness programmes, care and support for children in need of care and protection and their families including community systems strengthening programmes and alternative forms of care.

Social Services

  • Statutory services to children in need of care and protection
  • Family Preservation:
    1. Framework of Positive Values / Moral Regeneration
    2. Fatherhood programme
    3. Behaviour Modification/Character Transformation
    4. Marriage Preparation programme
    5. Marriage enrichment programmes
    6. Family Resilient Programmes
    7. Holiday programme for families
    8. Support for Child Headed Families
    9. Family Counselling /Therapy
    10. Crisis Intervention/Trauma debriefing
    11. Marriage counselling
    12. Mediation service
    13. Family group conferencing
    14. Social Relief of Distress
    15. Income Generating Projects
    16. Integrated parenting programme
    17. Active parenting of Teenagers
    18. Programme for Teen Parents
    19. Sinovuyo Teen Parenting Programme
    20. MenCare Programme
    21. Let's talk Parenting programme
    22. Families Matters Programme
  • Reunification services
  • Facilitating access to legal documents
  • Facilitating access to social security grants
  • Running of Ekukhanyeni Cluster Foster Care Scheme: Zisize’s primary foster care service is in the form of Ekukhanyeni cluster foster care scheme. The scheme is registered to admit 18 children. Accommodation consists of three purpose-built houses on a site that will continue to be upgraded in future years

Zisize has three social workers and two social auxiliary workers. They provide care and support to children in need of care and protection. Services rendered include the following:

Support to children in need of care and support

Zisize runs a variety of activities that target children in need of care and protection in the schools and the surrounding communities. With the support of the schools, children in need of care and protection are identified and a dedicated team of Child and Youth Care Workers (CYCW) also known as school-based mentors. They are responsible for ongoing monitoring support through different activities. A minimum of four interventions per child is conducted per year. Individual cases that are identified by the CYCWs are referred to different stakeholders including in house social workers and nurse.

The services rendered include:

  • Home visits
  • Referral to other professionals for necessary services
  • Provision of food on non-school days (feeding scheme)
  • Monthly food parcels
  • Food security- household, community & school gardens
  • Provision of school uniforms
  • Home work support

Life Skills Clubs

Our partner primary schools and high schools have life skills clubs that target children in need of care and protection. These clubs meet weekly and run by Zisize’s life skills team as well as educators. Children take part in child-participatory activities with a focus on HIV awareness and prevention, Sexual reproductive health, children’s rights and responsibilities and house economic strengthening.

  • Amabutho : For boys in mostly in primary schools
  • Girl Guides : For girls in primary schools
  • Peer Education: For both boys and girls in high schools

Children’s Broadcast Programs: For boys and girls interested in media and broadcasting

Community Systems Strengthening (CSS)

Zisize offers range of services and activities that are open to the community members who are mostly caregivers and are aimed at sensitizing them on different issues and offering skills they need to be a caring community and families.

These skills and information is offered through:

  • Prevention and advocacy campaigns
  • Community dialogues
  • Awareness campaigns
  • Parenting skills workshops
  • Support groups
  • Economic strengthening - vegetable seedling nursery and chicken farming

Health and Wellness

Zisize’s professional nurse runs a variety of Health wellness activities. These activities take place in and around our partner schools, crèches and their surrounding communities.  The nurse renders the following services to identified communities through the Wellness Wagon mobile clinic:

  • HIV testing services
  • Adherence support (treatment care and support)
  • TB screening
  • Monitoring road to health cards (immunisation status and child development)
  • Health education (health talks)
  • General health screening (top to toe)
  • Antenatal care service
  • Referral to primary health care if required