Programmes at Ekukhanyeni CFCS

Our various programmes and activities


Ekukhanyeni CFCS offers several therapeutic programmes, developmental services and recreational activities.

listening at childrens home

Therapeutic Programmes

  • Individual therapy by the social workers.
  • Group therapy: for example anger management, coping with grief and loss etc. Support groups, play therapy and family therapy.
  • Referral to other professionals, based on the need of the individual child, such as occupational therapists, psychiatrists, educational assessors, psychologists and speech therapists.
programmes childrens home

Developmental Activities

Access to schooling, library services, homework club, life skills, career development, involvement in cultural and religious events and outings.

sports activities

Recreational Activities

Children are given an opportunity to do sports and cultural activities in order to keep fit and healthy and pursue their talents:

  • Sport: cricket, soccer, volley ball.
  • Art: painting, drawing and craft work.
  • Drama and dancing: acting, traditional dancing and singing.