member of CASNET
Zisize is a member of CASNET (Caring Schools Network) and works in partnership with nine primary schools in the three tribal areas of KwaMngomezulu, KwaMathenjwa and KwaNyawo in Ingwavuma Magisterial District. Each of these schools, with input from Zisize, is a node of holistic support to Orphans and Vulnerable children in those communities. The aim of the programme is to eliminate challenges, (e.g. hunger, lack of shelter or adult support or the effects of abuse), which prevent learners from making optimal use of their educational opportunities. Zisize has also begun to forge links with three high schools in these communities – Ohhoye, Nqobizazi and Ingwavuma High.
Effect positive change
Zisize believes that “it is better to light a candle than to complain about the dark” and encourages volunteers and supporters to do whatever they can, rather than do nothing because the problems seem too big. It encourages people enduring difficult circumstances, to believe that they can effect positive change with a little help. Children from very disadvantaged backgrounds are encouraged to believe that they can not only have ambition but that they can also achieve that ambition.

Our Vision
Our vision is to support orphans and vulnerable children and help them to grow into well-developed, self-reliant and independent young people.

Our Mission
To help uplift the standard of education in partner primary and high schools and to provide holistic care and developmental support to the many orphans, vulnerable children and youth in surrounding communities, enabling them to attain their full potential, with increasing self-reliance and independence as they approach adulthood.