Supporting orphans and vulnerable children to reach their full potential
Zisize is a Zulu word meaning ‘self help’ and this is the ethos of the Zisize Educational Trust. Zisize’s main focus is to support orphans and vulnerable children to reach their full potential and become independent, contributing members of society. We encourage those who use the organisation to no longer be part of the problems that face this impoverished area, but rather to be part of the solution towards a brighter future. Zisize Educational Trust cares about all aspects of the children's lives and aims to provide for all their needs: food, shelter, education, protection, stimulation, life skills, psychological therapy, practical and emotional support.
Where We Operate

Zisize is located in Ingwavuma, a remote rural area of northern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Ingwavuma is more than 250km away from the nearest industrial centre, Richards Bay, and 420km from Durban. Rarely is it to be found on maps of the area and many people in the province have never heard of it! Zisize’s projects operate in this area bordered by Mozambique to the north, Swaziland to the West and the Pongola River to the South and East.
Our Programmes
At Zisize we run a wide variety of programmes that cater for all of our children’s needs. Our educational programmes provide educational support to a number of crèches, primary schools and high schools in Ingwavuma and the surrounding area.
We provide support through teacher training, curriculum packages, resource creation and the provision of teaching assistants. In addition we provide careers guidance, a crèche and library facilities at our Ingwavuma-based centre. We also offer various psychosocial programmes such as care and support for orphans and vulnerable children, lifeskills clubs, community systems strengthening, health and wellness, foster care support and other social services.

Ekukhanyeni Cluster Foster Care Scheme (CFCS) is the brainchild of the Zisize Educational Trust.
It is a centre that alleviates the impacts of poverty, child neglect, HIV/AIDS pandemic, abuse and trauma on vulnerable children. We provide a healthy and safe environment for the children to grow physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. We have capacity for 18 children.

If you would like to support us and get involved, there are many ways to help.
You can make a financial contribution, donate resources or give of your time.
Every donation goes such a long way towards helping those in our community. You can also see what items are on our wish list!
Ziet College is a new addition to Zisize. Follow the link below to the Ziet College Facebook page for more information.